WIN Home – Staff Program and Structure – Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMA) – Membership
The Western Invasives Network provides resources to help partners stay updated
WIN Newsletters

- Fall 2021
- Summer 2021
- Spring 2021
- Winter 2021
- Fall 2020
- Summer 2020
- Spring 2020
Weed Awareness Flyers

- Coltsfoot Flyer
- English Ivy Flyer
- Garlic Mustard Flyer
- Giant Hogweed Flyer
- Italian Arum Flyer
- Japanese Knotweed Flyer
- Knapweed Flyer
- Lesser Celandine Flyer
- Ludwigia Flyer
- Oblong Spurge Flyer
- Orange Hawkweed Flyer
- Poison Hemlock Flyer
- Puncturevine Flyer
- Purple Loosestrife Flyer
- Scotch Broom Flyer
- Shiny Geranium Flyer
- Tansy Ragwort Flyer
- Teasel Flyer
- Tree of Heaven Flyer
- Yellow Archangel Flyer
- Yellow Flag Iris Flyer
- Zebra Mussels Flyer
Oregon iMapInvasives Resources
iMapInvasives is an international GIS-based free online platform for collecting, managing, and sharing invasive species data.
The iMapInvasives program supports early detection and rapid response efforts throughout the state and provides a standardized, accessible site for sharing plant and animal sightings amongst the many groups that collect invasive species data.

iMap Contact and Subscription Information
- iMap Site Manager: Lindsey Wise, Portland State University
- iMap Subscriptions: WIN Coordinator Troy Abercrombie, Cascade Pacific RC&D
- iMap Resources website:
- iMap species distribution map:
- iMap login: