WIN Home – Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMA) – Resources – Membership
WIN is managed by a Program Coordinator and directed by a Steering Committee with input from Members and Working Groups
WIN Staff
The WIN Program Coordinator, Courtney Gattusso, is responsible for coordinating the program activities including, but not limited to:
- Building the organizational and technical capacity of CWMAs;
- Planning and setting up training workshops and field trips;
- Sharing technical and legislative information through the Willamette Weed and other list serves;
- Recruiting and coordinating partners;
- Researching grants and assisting in writing;
- Providing presentations at conferences and workshops to support the WIN and CWMAs.
WIN Steering Committee
The Steering Committee consists of representatives from many organizations and serves to provide the program direction. Current members include:
- John Klock, Bureau of Land Management,, 458-209-1771
- Charity Glade, Bureau of Land Management,, 503-375-5678
- Christina Mead, United States Forest Service,, 541-467-5132
- Dominic Maze, City of Portland,, 503-823-4899
- Kirk Shimeall, Cascade Pacific RC&D,, 541-248-3094
- Matt Mellethin, Integrated Resource Management,, 541-929-3408
- Beth Myers-Shenai, Oregon Department of Agriculture,, 503-986-4777
- Vern Holm, WIN Emeritus,
- Courtney Gattuso, WIN Coordinator,
Meetings are held quarterly. If you would like to attend or obtain a copy of the agenda contact the WIN Coordinator.
WIN Working Groups
Several informal ad hoc working groups have been formed (through WIN) to focus on specific invasive plant management issues. Currently there are five working groups: reed canary grass, knotweed, false brome, meadow knapweed and garlic mustard. Others may be formed as needed. The groups generally meet quarterly at the Salem BLM offices.
How to get involved
Please contact WIN Coordinator, Courtney Gattuso, weeds(at)cascadepacific(dot)org for information on any upcoming meetings.