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Siuslaw Stewardship Watershed Restoration Program
The Stewardship Program was initiated in 1999 based on the need to repair habitat and restore forest structure and function (see History on Stewardship homepage). Since then thousands of acres of the Siuslaw basin watershed functions have been restored improving ecological and economic conditions. The accomplishments of the Stewardship Program are recorded annually in an ACCESS® database maintained by Cascade Pacific RC&D as part of the Multi-party Monitoring program. From 1999-2016 over 250 watershed restoration Off-Forest projects have been completed and/or initiated. The biophysical outcomes and Economic Benefits of the projects completed during this period are listed below. For more details and statistics of the program click on the link below.
Accomplishments by Restoration Category from 1999-2016
Vegetation Management
- 35,000 upland forest trees planted on 826 acres
- 15,310 meadow trees & shrubs planted on 177 acres
- 15,370 seedling protectors installed
- 16,067 snags created
- 13,168 course woody debris created
- 8,069 acres pre-commercial forest thinning on Siuslaw National Forest matrix lands Stewardship Timber Sales (STS)
- 135 MBF (millions of board feet) harvest on STS’s
- 3,163 acres meadow enhancement/maintenance mowing
Poole Slough Preserve Snag Creation & Habitat Improvement, The Wetlands Conservancy

Invasives Control
- 6,602 acres riparian herbicide treatment
- 674 acres riparian manual/mechanical removal
- 363 acres meadow/upland forest herbicide treatment
- 42 acres meadow/upland forest manual treatment
- 63 miles roadside herbicide treatment
- 47 miles roadside mechanical/manual treatment
Roadside Knotweed Control, Tillamook Soil & Water Conservation District

Stream, Lake or Wetlands
- 168,789 trees planted on 3581 acres along 28 miles of riparian area
- 2,030 Large wood logs placed in streams
- 75 culverts replaced or repaired
- 4 fish ladders installed
Greasy Creek Riparian Restoration, Marys River Watershed Council

Road Work
- 161 miles roadside brushing, rocking & grading
- 41 miles road decommissioning/abandonment
- 8 acres roadside planting
Road Abandonment Project, Siuslaw National Forest

Total Expenditures by Restoration Category from 1999-2016
- $24,731,484.66 – Stream Lake or Wetland
- $7,308,622.08 – Project Management
- $8,162,909.46 – Vegetation Management
- $7,259,002.20 – Invasives Control
- $556,113.06 – Road Work
Local Economic Benefits from 1999-2016
- $1,815,012 Income Earned
- $18.78 Average Hourly Wage
- $163,351 State Taxes generated
- 92,554 Hours Worked by Project Employees/Contractors
- 46 FTE Jobs created